Do Think Share: January Challenge - Week Four

I've only done a five-day week of the January Challenge this time, as then we have five days left of the month, and it evens out the final blog - I like to keep things neat and tidy.
It also makes it seem as though there's loads of time left instead of nearly being at the end!

Day Twenty-Two
How and why did you choose your muse?

I enjoy people-watching, as I'm sat in a cafe, or commuting into town - I find other people fascinating and I sometimes find myself making up little stories about them, or wondering about their day. I think this is a very human response to others, and helps develop empathy.

I was waiting in all day for a parcel to be delivered, and the young lady who brought it was so striking I had to try and capture her features! I failed miserably as I really can't draw very well at all, but I made a valiant attempt.
I do enjoy sketching, but find it very difficult to translate what's in front of me, or what's in my head, on to the page - is this something I can get better at with practice, or is it just a skill that will be beyond me?

Day Twenty-Three
Did you enjoy making music?

I love having music in my life: I trained in musical theatre and worked as a singer and performer for over ten years, so I am surrounded by music for most of my time. I don't have a particular style that I prefer over another - it depends on my mood! 

One of my current favourite sing-along's 

Back on Day Fourteen, we were challenged to find the joy in activities we don't usually enjoy: I achieved this by singing while I did the housework, so, since I was at home all day today, I hummed to myself while I worked. I actually found this quite difficult to maintain, as I kept breaking out into actual song (or at least a 'la la la' response!) However the difficulty was a reason to continue trying new songs and new melodies as I popped my iTunes on shuffle and followed along with whatever came up - although I definitely prefer singing, or 'la-ing' at least, to humming!

Day Twenty-Four
Do you enjoy creative writing? What did it make you feel, and are you surprised by what you created in 10 minutes? What did it make you feel about January?

January is often a bit of a 'nothing' month - the hangover to the fun of December. However this prompt encouraged me to consider this time a little more, and reflect on January as a way to ease myself into what will become a very challenging year (which is why this was my word for the month!)

I have mentioned a couple of times about how I enjoy poetry as a way to play with language - which is why I went a little off-piste with the Day Four challenge, and this quick poem was a beautiful way to connect with a month that has a bit of a gloomy reputation.

Day Twenty-Five
What does ‘art’ mean to you? Do you think you created art? Did you surprise yourself with your contents creations? 


Art is defined as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination... producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." I love this description, as I have a tricksy relationship with 'art' in its most commonly used sense.
I often think of myself as a 'thwarted creative', in that I don't consider myself particularly creative in and of myself, but I find that I'm pretty good at bringing out the creativity in other people - hence why I wanted to retrain in Production Dramaturgy - so this definition is beautifully reassuring to me as I create my little bits of imagination.

I found this challenge quite difficult to approach as I realised that turning out my drawers created mess that I was going to have to clear up right away! However, on a grey and miserable afternoon I opened up the drawer where I keep all of my hair flowers and the pop of colour against the darkness of the day lifted my spirits. I don't often feel confident enough to wear something so flamboyant these days, but I like having the colours around as the burst of brightness and sparkle makes me smile.
I don't know whether I would consider this 'art', as such, however, following the definition; I have created a bright and beautiful image which makes me happy and therefore has emotional power. Ergo - art.

Day Twenty-Six
What does 'connected' mean to you?

The word 'connected' can mean a lot of different things in different contexts: it can seem that the world is almost hyper-connected, with our ability to speak instantly with people on the other side of the world; instantaneous news updates; and a constant stream of information and input available, literally, in the palms of our hands.
I feel, though, that connection needs to become more meaningful: in whatever ways that works for the individual. Connect with a friend in person, over a coffee; or send a message, an email, or even a letter to them. Last year an old friend reconnected to suggest we became pen-friends, and, despite loving the idea I lapsed almost immediately. Maybe that is my connection for the coming year - to actually make this small effort...

All of the places I have visited: it makes me realise how homogeneous my experience has been, with only one visit to a completely different cultural context. I would love to travel more, and experience more, but the constraints of time and money mean that the ability to do this is, for me, a luxury, and a privilege that isn't afforded to everyone. I try and expand my experience through connection with others, and through the connections made available by the internet and media which means I don't always have to travel in person in order to experience the ability to travel.

Conclusion: Week Four
Several of the challenges this week encouraged me to reflect on my connections with family, friends, and strangers which was a beautiful way to spend the week. I realised that I really like reaching out to others, but I know that I value my own time, and I am often more comfortable in my own company, or the company of just my closest loved ones.
I enjoyed the poetry challenge on Day Twenty-Four the most this week, as (as I mentioned) I love playing with words, rhythm and rhyme, and making words look pretty!
I found Day Twenty-Five the most difficult to start (because of the potential for mess-making) but I enjoyed playing with colour and texture once I began, and this is partly what creativity is about, right? Getting out of a comfort zone and not being afraid to mess things up!

I can't believe it's nearly the end of the month!
Week One

Week Two

Week Three


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