Task 6c: Proposed Award Title and Rationale
It's been a difficult couple of weeks as I had felt completely stuck with my inquiry and process: however, I'm past that now and full of ideas and motivation once more! (Thankfully!)
Based on previous reflections and the direction my inquiry is taking, I propose the following award title and rationale:
Image Source: waagner-biro.com
Based on previous reflections and the direction my inquiry is taking, I propose the following award title and rationale:
Proposed Award Title
BA (Hons) Professional Practice (Theatre)
I trained in Musical Theatre, in singing, acting and dance. Post-training I worked in many areas of performance including film, television and live-bands before specialising in cabaret; using skills gained through training and work.
Going forward, I know that the performance element of my career in theatre is over, and I am intending to use my expertise and knowledge of performance to forge a career in Directing and Dramaturgy.
I feel that the proposed award title, while broad, takes into account my training, background, performance career, my proposed inquiry project, and my intended future practice. On completion of the degree I hope to take an MA in Theatre and I believe that the proposed award title accurately reflects my learning and will prepare me for the next stage of my career.
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