What Have You Been Up To?

Well I've been pretty ill again actually, and therefore quite unproductive! It's draining as I have lots to be getting on with, but with no energy to even be able to follow a line of text on a page, I've not really been able to do all that much over the last couple of weeks.

Image Source: wallpaper.wiki.com

Having said that, I have been starting to feel a little better in the past few days, so I've been trying to crack on with essays! I have a reflective essay to write for the Cultural Experience Award, which I've found quite tricky, as it's difficult finding the balance between a personal and an analytical voice. 

I've also got End-Semester essays to write for both of last term's seminars - these too I am finding hard to really dig into: one of them I'm quite inspired by but can't find my 'way in', so to speak, and the other I'm not particularly enraptured with, but can see my way through it clearly. So either way I'm finding it tricksy to make a start!

Finally, I have the Critical Survey to write as the basis for my Dissertation, and I actually managed to make a bit of progress with this one before falling victim to the lurgy (it's also the one that has the furthest away deadline, so I'm not focusing so much on this one at the moment!

The view from the University on the last day of seminars

Over the Summer, my boyfriend and I joined the National Trust, and now that the weather is slowly improving, we have had a couple of lovely days out taking advantage of the free entry to members, and the sunny days!

Polesden Lacey ** Richmond Park

Polesden Estate ** Nymans

I'm glad that the weather is perking up, as it means we can have lots more days like this! 

Oh, and also, I dyed my hair! I've gone ginger again - and after I curled it the other day, I spent most of the afternoon pretending to be a lion :D


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