Back in Business

I'm back - kind of!

The past few months have been a whirlwind of activity and events, so I'll try to summarise here and hopefully explain why I've been absent for a while.

Firstly, and most obviously if you have read this blog before, I have finished my Master's Degree! It's been a year of challenges, and I've been pushed beyond my limits both academically and personally; it's been exciting, enlightening, frustrating and fascinating, and I'm incredibly proud of myself (and a little bit shell-shocked) for getting through it with a body of work that I'm pretty chuffed with, to be honest! I'm also incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported me through this - not least my long-suffering boyfriend who had to put up with my inane ramblings at midnight as my brain wouldn't shut up!

Proud that I completed a 15,000 word Dissertation!

My Dissertation title ended up being 'On the Margins: an Investigation into the Political Potential of Margin-Culture' and I argued a couple of different strands, including for the socio-political potential of performance genres such as Cabaret, and for the political ineffectiveness of formal protest. It was an especially fascinating time to be writing as I watched political events unfold in front of my eyes, and I ended up having to add a couple of paragraphs on the day I submitted!

So, much of my brain power has been taken up with the final push for the degree; but I did manage to pop off on a little holiday to Latvia with my boyfriend to be guests at the wedding of two of our good friends. We had a lovely week, possibly more so since Kuldiga and Riga are places that I wouldn't have necessarily considered visiting otherwise, but I'm very glad that we did; and the wedding was simply beautiful!

National Opera House in Riga

Finally, I suppose that the biggest news is that we are multiplying... Spud is due in February. I have started a new, semi-anonymous blog to chronicle the adventure (and to keep this one a little more to theme).  We announced the news on Facebook before our holiday, so it's really real now!

1, 2, 3...

So, yes. It's been quite a couple of months, what with one thing or another!


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