Tangled Yarn

Image Source: hypnosistodaywithgloria
Do you ever find that your brain is so full of thoughts that it's difficult to sustain the thread of any one of them? Like a half-made knitting pattern, that gets so tangled up that you can no longer tell where it starts, finishes, or what it was meant to create in the first place?

That's how my thoughts have been feeling for quite some time - and I wonder if it's partly because I've not done much (if any) writing recently. All of my mental focus and energy has gone into work, and by the end of the day my creative brain has curled up under its blanket and gone to sleep.

But, I want to write - I want to unburden my brain of its weight; of thinking about the anti-protest bill, of Sarah Everard, of the precarious state of politics, the hope of theatre returning, of parenthood and motherhood, of lockdown... of everything. I have lots of thoughts, and maybe I need to re-find this blog as a way of trying to regain focus and sanity.

This isn't much of a blog, I'm afraid - it's my first tentative steps in re-exercising a part of myself that used to be fired up and fearless, and is now, often, lazy and overwhelmed.

It's a hope, written down, for change.


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